One of the happiest moments of my life was my wedding day. The hustle and bustle of getting those last minute errands and the fun of getting together with family to finish details(piping glitter on 200+ pine cones is not an easy feat alone). I loved inviting all the people that were important in Marcus and my lives.
It was as exciting as it was also hard knowing that my grandma Gertie wouldn't be there to see me marry the man of my dreams, the man she had always prayed would be good to me. It still makes me sad that she passed before she could give her boop of approval for my groom, but on the wedding day I choose a small way to commemorate her.
I have formed a couple of creative ways to incorporate the loved ones that could only be there in spirit.
Flowers - each individual flower holds a special meaning and beauty; picking a flower that shares the same symbolic mean of your loved one can be a beautiful reminder of of who they were when they were living.
Picture Frames - having a section just of your loved ones invites your guests to glimpse the beautiful memories you both shared together.
A Token - A token can be something small that you wear on your wedding day. I used one for my own day; I had a couple of my grandma's broaches in my broach bouquet. A little piece from them helps make your loved ones seem more present. Besides jewelry, your grooms has options of cufflinks or a watch of a late loved one.
DIY - keeping someone close to your heart by making something out of their old wardrobe. I saw a most recent example from my last bride; MOB crafted this beautiful white purse for the bride out of her grandmother's wedding dress. An example for your groom would be to make a bow tie out of an old shirt.
Moment of Silence -with all the events and activities building up to the ceremony, it can be a calming and sweet moment to just be still and meditate on those who helped format you to get to this big moment in your life. Tradition - incorporating a tradition from your loved ones can be PASSED down through your family ; it can look like walking get down the aisle to a song you and your mom shared or getting married in the same church as your parents or reading your grandmother's / grandfather's favorite passage they read at their own .
Video Clip - this clip can be played during your first dance the couldn't make or a speech that will never be said. A video really shows who they are and hearing their voice makes it feel like they are right there with you. A different version of this can be a photo slide show with their favorite song. It is a lovely tribute to their memory.

I loved looking down at my bouquet and admiring the blue flower brooch my grandma would wear; it reminded me of her shining personality. Her brooch helped me feel like I honored her memory by keeping her close to my heart. <3