St Paul Brewery & St Paul Downtown Engagement Session with Emily & Phil!
Some things are worth the wait; this is one of the topics that Emily and I were talking a little bit about on their engagement session. She feels like the wait is over now that God has brought her Phil. It was so much fun to capture a little moment of time with these two around St Paul, both at the St Paul brewery and a little downtown St Paul.
Emily and Phil describe themselves as a “all in kinda people,” which is exciting! They meet through a Christian dating app. Not to waist anyone’s time Emily had posted a photo of herself with exactly where her heart was and where it wanted to be in a text over the photo. So Phil knew without a doubt what he was starting when he reached out. It only took two days of messaging back and forth. before asking her out on a date! They enjoyed a round of mini golf and a chilly walk around downtown Chaska
Overlooking the St. Croix River on the bluffs of Hudson, Wisconsin Phil proposed! He swore up and down that Emily knew it was coming, but it wasn’t until he took out the Altoid tin box that it hit her he was proposing!!
During their engagement session they shared a with me the things that have captured them the most about each other. Talking about their futures together, Emily and Phil are excited to serve in their local church, as well as their families. Phil loved Emily’s love of the Lord and organization. Emily loves Phil’s servants heart toward others. It was fun to hear the excitement they have for each other.
Phil is confident that Emily might just become a coffee drinker yet. I think it might be due to all the need for caffeine for the wedding planning! I am excitedly looking forward to serving these two sweethearts on their wedding day later this summer! Until then, please enjoy a little bit from their St Paul Engagement session!