Kelley and Tony got ready for their wedding day at Rush Creek Golf Course in Maple Grove Minnesota. I got to capture these two along side Gina Zeidler and her awesome couple! Kelley and Tony were getting ready surrounded by their loved ones and that 100% included their fur babies Piper and Hops! Both of their dogs were just LOVING the attention all day. Once Kelley and Tony were all dolled up they had their first look on the staircase, which personally was my favorite party Tony’s heart was so open to seeing his bride on their wedding day. He wasn’t the only one tearing up in the room!
Although it was a colder Minnesota January Wedding, everyone was a trouper being willing to head outside on a cold but sunny day! And the photos reflect the same!
The whole day was beautiful and I loved being a small part of this couple’s wedding day!
Please enjoy their wedding..