Dear Minnesota, — Serving With Joy

Dear Minnesota,

Dear Minnesota,

I love you and I always have. But my heart is broken and saddened for a family who lost a loved one 1 week from today.
I am grieving with the Floyd family as they try to make sense of a senseless situation.
It may not feel like it right now but I have been lifting my voice all week asking God for His wisdom, His grace, and His peace in your streets and throughout our Nation.
I am praying for safety of your black community, and the safety of your peaceful protesters.
I have been praying for justice of the small businesses whose life's work and blood was burned to the ground.
I have been praying justice rains down on those who are spreading chaos and harm and doing the devils work when the night falls.
I have been praying for wisdom in our leaders and officers who are trying to keep their citizens safe.

I am praying for Justice here.

sincerely yours,

Molly Sanchez

Saint Paul Minnesota city skyline