Sugar Paper Agenda Book 2017 Review — Serving With Joy

Sugar Paper Agenda Book 2017 Review

Even though I have never had a talent for it, I have always enjoyed writing. Not fantasies or long adventure tales but just documenting what has been going on in my life, my mind and my heart. Needing somewhere to write all my mind down I have a wide collection of random journals that I would write in for a week and then never touch again. I know I can't be the only one guilty of this. Do you have a journal shelf down stairs or is it just me?
 Last year I was on another Target trip just browsing when I came across this beautiful blue calendar book. It was my brand color and had SOO much room to write everything thought that passed through my head.  Not only was it beautiful with Kate Spade vibes but the layout was everything I never knew I needed! It had two page spread for each month with a break down each day after that. it makes it extremely useful when I am planning out my weddings and social media posts.  I am seriesly blown away by the functionality of this book calendar! Unfortunately, Target is no longer hosting Sugar Paper for these journals! I was devastated, secretly hoping they would pop back up when it came closer to the new year.  

When I didn't happen I found their website and ordered 2018 because I really don't want to go back to using anything else. I make sure when I get randomly inspirited or have new ideas I want to try I will be ready. I would HIGHLY recommend their products. Beautiful and efficient.