Sigma 35 1.4 mm Art Lens Review | Wedding Photographer Review | Photography

As my business has expanded I am lucky enough that my equipment has also expanded to better achieve my photography style. One of those updates was the Sigma 35 Art. Before this lens my main was the 24-70 sigma, but since the new lens came along I have it on my camera 80% of the time.

I love the focal length; it gives more to the surrounds and I don't have to deal with the warp at the edge that I did with the 24-70mm. The warp really came into play with Family Formals and Wedding Party photos.  


The 35mm is sharp as a tack. I really wanted a lens that would capture sharpness at the 1.4 aperture to better suit my style and I feel like I have fulfilled that goal with this lens. 

The focus for my lens is fast. I have had really good luck with my sigma lenses focus. I read a lot of other reviews before purchasing that stated the lens had focusing issues. My lens has been nothing short of amazing and has been my quickest lens focus out of all my lenses which for a wedding day is a must. 

The lense feels heavy duty. Compaired to my Nikon 85 1.8 and 50 1.4 it has more weight and a good feel to it.  

The 35 1.4 mm is not going anywhere and will defiantly be one lens you will not find me without. 
