Top 15 Photos of 2015 | Photography


Welcoming 2016 was an event like every year I can remember, sitting on my parents couch with a cup of sparkling grape juice watching a rerun for Minnesota time of the ball drop from NY. It perfectly sums up my year simple and laid back.  

2015 was a year of growth in my photography education, which I learned from the wisdom of a lot of creative live speakers such as Jasmine Star, Sue Byrce, Katelyn James, and others. I enjoyed learning from such strong ladies in the industry; hearing their success stories inspire me to keep giving my 110%. Some days it feels like I got it and others it really feels like no one will want to book me. But I will keep showing you my work because I love it and I am working to have my future brides to love it too!
I have chosen my top 15 favorites from 2015 to end out my 1st year as a wedding photographer.

Here's to 2016 and the next step in this crazy photographer journey! 

Monday Moments: From MN to AZ | My Christmas


This year Marcus and I were able to enjoy a Christmas with his family in Arizona. I was fortunate enough to bring him back with me to Minnesota when we got married and I knew he had been really missing his family, so Christmas seemed to be a good enough excuse to me the journey out there.  (Photos are both my camera and my phone!) 

Besides waking up at the early hour to make our flight, the whole trip there was pleasant. I was able to enjoy a new book I finally purchased after weeks of contemplating;  "Why Not Me?" By Mindy Kaling is a book that had me laughing out loud from just her honest views of life and it had the feel of listening to a new friend's life story. Anywho, here are a couple of my christmas trips highlights. ( besides sleeping in and actually feeling like I had a Christmas vacation )

When we arrived on his doorstep, his two little siblings just had shock written all over each others faces as they hugged Marcus for a long period of time. Half of use were tearing up!

Besides the cool breezes of 68 degree weather, Christmas in Arizona started off with celebrating grandma and grandpa Shay's 50th year anniversary.  (#marriagegoals )
Aunt Judy read off a list of everything that happened the year they got married; Grandpa Shay talked about how hehad gotten his draft notice in the mail 2 days before his wedding.  (Talk about stessful!) I am thankful for my husband's family being so loving and caring;they made me feel like a part of the family.

With anyone with younger siblings might understand, Marcus and I needed a small break to ourselves. Venturing out to explore a little bit of Arizona, we checked out Montezuma Castle and the Tuzigoot.  With a fun car ride and beautiful sites it made the day one of my favorites from our trip. 

We saw lights on multiple occasions but holy moly some of them out did the others! Most impressive was done about 45 minutes out of Phoenix at a Mormon church that had nativity seasons all throughout their property.

One of my christmas presents to my MIL was photos of her and her children, we did this at Christmas dinner at the grandparents. It was a really laid back day and a little weird with no snow on the ground.... I am happy I live in Minnesota!  But I loved how these photos turned out!!

I had a wonderful Christmas with family and I hope yours was just as wonderfilled. <3
I am excited to find what this new year holds for my family!