Easter Sunday | Family Life

Easter has always been a big holiday because it celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. In my mother's photo book is a picture of all of my sisters and me in matching white frilly dresses with each of us standing by age and height. To this day it is still one of my favorite photos because we look ridiculous, adorable but ridiculous. And someday I will torture my children with the same tradition.

I am so grateful that I am able to spend Easter with my with my wonderful family. Now that I am living out of the Waits household, every major holiday I am picked to make a part of the lunch meal. Due to lack of ingredients in my fridge (I know, I'm crushing this adult adulting thing) this year I went with a staple: cupcakes!! The eggs I used for the batter were a gift from a coworker's aunt's chickens in woodbury. It got me thinking, I think I would like raising chickens. Someday ;).


 I had found the cutest Easter cupcake idea on pinterest, which involved Peeps. I have never been a fan of Peeps personally, but my family's taste buds have always been a little shifted from my own. After convincing Marcus that my whole family loves peeps, I was sorely disappointed to find out that no one in my family likes peeps. Everyone was eyeing my cupcakes wearly; my family finally dove in after I let it be known no one had to eat the peeps on my cupcakes. It was my cupcake fail, but they looked and tasted great. ;)

Happy Easter!

Inspired by Sue Bryce | Photography With Soul

For the first time in what feels like the longest time I have not been in any type of schooling. Since I have been free of required learning, I have had the opportunities to explore things that truely spark my curiosity and pursue how to perfect my passions. I am a true believer that once you stop learning you stop growing. 

Through my hunt for knowledge and new techniques, I have been able to find educators that have opened my eyes who teach in my own fields of interest. 


A Photographer/ Educator I follow who truly inspires me is Sue Bryce. She is a portrait photographer who specializes in contemporary portraits. Her portraits are stunning but what really takes me breathe away is Sue's raging passion for her art. Starting out working from her grange in New Zealand to her own studio in Los Angeles, she now travels to teach others how to take control of their business.

I have been blessed listening to her speak through various YouTube videos, facebook live chats, Creative Live courses, and following her progress through social media. She has taught me through conviction and certainty, I can take control of what I want for my business. She inspires me by living her words and showing me through her own work ethic. If you need some personal inspiration, I highly recommend to listen to her wisdom.

(Some inspiration for your Monday <3)

10 Pinterest Pins That Keep Me Laughing

This Monday I wanted to change it up and share something none wedding related. The last couple of weeks have been a little stressful so I wanted to share the top 10 pins that I have pinned to my "Chuckling" board.

If you are interested to know what else makes me chuckle you can find out with my pinterest handle is @Mollywaits .
Just something silly for your Monday. =]

Disclaimer: Photos are not mine, all were found off of Pinterest.com