Minnesota Girl

Homeowner Problems | First Time Home Owners | Personal

This summer has just hit us in full blast and I am loving every moment of it! This is the first summer at this house; when we first got the house in late winter, we were eager to see what would grow in the yard!
I don't know if you can relate but we held off on getting a lawn mower for as long as we could. The grass height ended up being to my knees!! I loved it but I know the city would not be as understanding. What we ended up doing was borrowing a lawn mower from my dad. It was the same one we had when we were renting, just a simple push mower. The first time I mowed the grass this year it took me 2.5 HOURS!! As I walked in the house and plopped down exhausted on the floor, I told Marcus there was no way that was going to continue to work. 
We finally bit the bullet and went shopping for a lawn mower 2 weeks ago and got a self propelled one! With a little more help from the lawnmower itself the yard hasn't continued to be such a daunting task!  We are blessed with a big yard and we have finally equipped ourselves properly to take care of it!
These photos are a little bit of our yard and some of the beautiful plant life I am enjoying!!
What's your favorite thing growing in your garden right now??

We Bought Our First Home! | Personal

I wanted to give you a little insight in a big update in my life!
This weekend was full laughter, family time, and tired backs. Marcus and I closed and moved into our first house!!!!! We are both SO excited and we are still a little awe-struck knowing that it is ours (Fully after 30 years of payments of course ;)) My family graciously gave up their Saturday to move into our new digs, which made the day that much more enjoyable! My dad kept saying he was just a happy camper that it was a balmy 34 degrees, because everybody knows moving in negative degree weather is not fun for anybody! And to top it all off, NOTHING broke!

Marcus did an amazing job doing all the heavy lifting; I did all the unpacking while being serenaded by Ingrid Michaelson until the sunset! After hours of unpacking and finding all our things a new home, my mom brought over some of her wild rice soup; If you should know anything about my mother it is that she makes the most DELICIOUS soups!  We all took a breather around the table and enjoyed it together. It was the perfect way to end such a productive day.

Naturally, we snapped a few shots before all the moving took place!



This house has truly been an amazing gift! 

A Love Letter to my Husband | Wedding Anniversary | Personal

A Love Letter to my Husband | Wedding Anniversary | Personal

We had a Como conservatory wedding held in the fall. Now two years later we are clebrating a nother year together! Happy anniversary to my hubby.