Rose & Zack

Oijiway Park Engagement Photography | Rose & Zack

Zack and Rose shared a mutual friend, who Rose constantly has to fight over for Zacks love. Rose has won the war even though the battles rage on. Through their friends, Rose was invited to Zack's birthday party. It took a lot of convincing,  but eventually Rose begrudgingly agreed to go. 

While out celebrating through bowling,  everyone knew Rose just was not in the mood to be there. Knowing that Zack still put himself out there and tried to charm Rose.  As both of Rose and Zack's roommates started dating, Zack found more and more excuses to be over at Rose's apartment! Through persistence and adoration, Rose finally gave into Zack's advances. And that is where their adventure together began. 

This session was a little different from my usual engagement sessions. Rose and Zack wanted to have their little family to be featured in their engagement shoot! So in these photos you will be enjoying the faces of Rose, Zack, Scout,  Bugs the Pug, and Hinata the Cat.