Steps for Successful Family Formals

Family Formals are one of the many joys of your wedding day. Through weddings I have shot, I wanted to share ways that I have found to be a good recipe for successful family formals.

Prepare your family. Make sure everyone has access to the schedule and the time in which family photos will take place.

Bring your shot list. Having a list of groups with names for your photographer will make all the difference. It allows us to move everything along without leaving anyone out. Try giving it to a second shooter or a personal attendant who can call out all the names.

Leaving Family Formals for Immediate Family. Family is family, but you don't want to be waiting on your cousin that was twice removed that you only see at Christmas to finish the photos. Keep your your list to immediate family (grandparents, parents, siblings, etc.) and you will be looking at a quick time with family photos. The quicker the family formals are completed the more satisfied your family will leave. If other family members feel left out tell them to plan on fun shots at the reception.


These are a few things from my experience that I hope you will be able to help your day go smoothly!

MW Photography | Choosing My Name

As the trend seems to be among photographers in my industry , I choose to use the initials to my name to represent me in my photography business. M is for my first name which is Molly. W is for my maiden name, Waits. When I got married one of the hardest things for me to let go was my last name. It's hard for me to explain fully, but in short, Waits was the name I had built so much on- success, relationships, personality. I changed my name for my husband, because it was a symbol of starting a new life as one united. It was a gift to him.  I will always be a Waits girl and I feel I can pay a small tribute by it being my business name.


Molly & Pepper

Molly & Pepper

Reach Out | Worst That Can Happen is No

Some of the biggest steps I have made as a creative started with reaching out to other creatives.  
My last months of college were spent running on empty just scrambling to the finish line called graduation. Like so many of my peers I was trying to plan on what was coming after that brief walk across a stage. I knew I wanted to give my photography a real shot as a business, but I didn't known where I wanted to start.  I reached out to a local wedding photographer. I remember reaching out not really sure what would become of it, but I was so nervous because I knew this was something I wanted and i was putting that desire out for others to see.
I ended up interning for that photographer. I still work with Justin as a second shooter, not only did I make a pretty cool new friend I also built my skill and photography portfolio with nothing more than determination and my time.


I have also reached out to other photographers who didn't respond with the same kindness as others but this year I decided it never hurts to simply ask.  I am working on a project with some creatives right now that I am super stoked about; I was taken aback by others eagerness to join in on helping my vision come to life.

Yes, it is nerve-wracking reaching out to strangers,  but the worst they can say is no.
If you want to work with another creative just ask. Who knows what doors you may be knocking on.  The one setting your limitations is yourself.