Birthday Adventure

This Is What 25 Looks Like

Today, I turned 25; Lily on How I Met Your Mother on her birthday is exactly how i feel about birthdays!  Although many women my age are freaking out about aging, It doesn't really bothered me. As I have gotten older, married and living on our own, my personal freedom has grown; becoming an adult has been the best time of my life!

lillyhow i met your mother.jpg

Here are some of my favorite moments on the 24th year of my life: seeing and photographing two of my best friends weddings as well as my eldest sister's wedding, my husband dancing with me to our favorite song in public (literally one of the most romantic moments I have ever experienced, I swooned), meeting SO many different creatives in the twin cities area, making my photography an official official business, watching and finishing Parks and Rec for the first time with Marcus, watching my dad finally hit his goal and retire, buying my first car, trips to Glendale, Charleston, Atlanta, Greenville.

It has been a beautiful year, but I can now rent a car without it being such a headache!(im coming for you dodge charger)

Summer turns 27 | Birthday Girl

Another year another birthday in the books for this beautiful soul. Summer celebrated her 27th birthday this past week. Summer is a preschool teacher, who comes home with the cutest stories of what her kiddos did or said that day. She loves nursing coffee in the mornings and taking afternoon naps. She is a joy in my life and someone to shamelessly cry with during Pixar movies. 


Although the rain halted our portrait shoot, we were still able to get a few in. Happy Birthday, Summer! 

Birthday Adventure | Day Trip to St. Cloud | Personal


24 years old never looked so good on me. We both got the day off from our full time jobs and we decided to have a day adventure. There is this little restaurant down the street that never seems to be open at convenient times called T&T Galla. Although an odd name for such a little dinner , even more unexpected was the nautical theme throughout the tiny space and menu. Over all being our first time I would give it a 8 out of 10. Food was good, service was fast and the servers were friendly. 

After breakfast we packed our lunch boxes, made a free coffee run at the new quick trip downon concord , and we were on our way to a day of exploration and adventure. And as you knowa birthday adventure is one of the best kind of adventures.

Something that my father ingrained into me growing up was the art of window shopping. My family would take advantage of having the Mall of America close by and go store to store admiring and feeling but rarely would we ever purchase.  Now when shopping with Marcus we go through the same routine as mychildhood.  Many of the trips we have made together even when dating we will always stop at antique shops. I love looking and dreaming with all the random old stuff we find in these shops . This trip we found a two story antique shop, upon entering we were greeted by a large poodle who gave us a sniff of approval and moved on waddling through the store. Looking through everything between 50s style wedding dresses to old mickey mouse penny bank to Nascar toys in would call it a good time! I secretly hope to one day find something unique and purchase it then find out later it is actually worth millions , but until that day we will keep exploring.

After we had antiqued out we roamed the streets of downtown st. Cloud and continued to explore other shops, some smelled amazing from their holiday candles and others we were half expecting to go mysteriously missing in the back of the store. I told Marcus to have the search parties at the ready.

When they day was all shopped out we made our way to a steak spot for my birthday meal! We both got a delicious steak and reminisced over the days adventure. The drive home it was down pouring the entire time, but Marcus handled it like a pro.

I loved having a whole day just me and him exploring a random city in Minnesota.

Overall the beginning of year 24 has started off on a good foot.