
Summer turns 27 | Birthday Girl

Another year another birthday in the books for this beautiful soul. Summer celebrated her 27th birthday this past week. Summer is a preschool teacher, who comes home with the cutest stories of what her kiddos did or said that day. She loves nursing coffee in the mornings and taking afternoon naps. She is a joy in my life and someone to shamelessly cry with during Pixar movies. 


Although the rain halted our portrait shoot, we were still able to get a few in. Happy Birthday, Summer! 

Como Conservatory Portrait Photography | Shattuck

Saturday could not have been a more perfect day; Como Conservatory hummed with activity do to the beautiful sunshine and the celebration of its 100 year anniversary.  Even though it was a little busy, the Shattuck clan did a great job of enjoying the time we were able to shoot in Como's gardens. Having four girl to photograph is easy when they have smiles that literally light up the room. They were such a joy to shoot and looking back while editing still makes me smile with all the giggles that where shared between loved ones.

St. Paul Portraits | Katrina Shiri

Katrina is a mother of 2 blonde haired/ blue eyed young boys and a wife to her very tall husband.

She cares for her boys, while also starting a new journey with Origami Owl, a growing jewelry company that uses lockets to tell a story. Even though she is just starting out , I can already tell she loves it. (I bought these BEAUTIFUL earrings from her!) 

Katrina Shiri was a fast friend I made in middle school.  Even though I always thought of her as one of the "cool kids," we ended up bonding over a mutual love of manga. (Japanese comic books) From there it was reading books like Twilight that further strengthened and forever bonded us together.  I will never forget sitting in her room and reading New Moon together. We are states apart now, but our friendship is one that no matter how much time passes or how far apart we are, we still can pick up right were we left off.  In my humble opinion it is one of the best relationships a girl can have.

I am so grateful for such a beautiful friend both inside and out! (And pretty sassy too ;) )

Happy Monday!