Como Park Photography

Como Park Pavilion Engagement Photography | Isabella & Steven | Minneapolis Engagement Photographer

Isabella and Steven met by chance in a cooking class when they both studied at St Paul College. Isabella was cute and quiet. Steven told me that she would hardly talk in class. So as Isabella started the class with the goal to become a better cook Steven's goal for that semester became one thing and one thing only. Get this beautiful quiet girl to talk to him.

He was definitely successful in his endeavor as they are on the road to matrimony. Steven does not consider himself a patient man when it came to proposing. He had the ring a total of ONE week trying to figure out the best way to purpose to the woman he loved. But instead he took to heart the phrase no better time then the present. As they were driving, the conversation of the engagement popped up. Steven pulled over right there, pulled out the ring that had been sitting in his pocket, and asked Isabella to marry him.  She said YES!  They are scheduled to get married next fall!
Please enjoy some of the photos we captured at their engagement session at COMO Park!