Marcus Sanchez

Fourth Of July Weekend | Sanchez Adventures | Personal

A four day weekend really suites me! At least this is what I found out of the fourth of July weekend. The Waits family is a family of many annual traditions; I think it was more things that worked so well we just kept doing them throughout the years.  Some of my favorites are religiously attending the Minnesota State Fair, boating on the Fourth of July, apple picking in the fall, running to the Christmas tree. ( I wrote a whole blog post with a couple of others which you can click HERE to read)

My family had plans to lay low for the fourth of July this year. Everyone in Minnesota was out and about all weekend! We were able to stretch a couple of events over the last couple of days making for an epic weekend.

Sunday - Every Independence Day weekend our church has the service outside on the front lawn! And I am pretty sure half of the congregation would leave the church is there was not picnic to follow. After we got home we packed up and headed to the boat. The Saint Croix was bustling with boats, flamingo floaties, jetskiis, and kayaks. Sunburn and filled with pizza, we sat on Hudson beach and watched the fireworks for Booster Days.

Monday - My sister Summer was having her makeup done at Sepora in the morning for her shooting in the afternoon. So I got a little window shopping  done ad when we got home we started shooting her! Once that was all done as a family we drove over to the Lake Harriott Band-shell to listen to the Minnesota Orchestra for some patriotic music!

Tuesday morning Marcus and I picked up dad and spent the morning in Afton for the annual parade they have there! One of the floats was a wedding one where several couple volunteered and you got married right in the middle of the parade! What a cool idea!! 
in the evening we headed home sat around the table and just enjoyed each others company!

It was a breathe of fresh air to step away from normal business and explore Minnesota. 

Adult Night at the Minnesota Zoo | Sanchez Adventures | Personal

Do you ever just crave a night out? I sometimes spend hours scrolling facebook events in my area to see what is going on in the outside world and to see if it would be something worth doing.

One event I found was adult night at the Minnesota Zoo! With a free zoo located in St. Paul (Como) I have probably been to the Minnesota Zoo one other time in my life because who needs to pay for a zoo when you have a free one right there! Marcus had yet been to the other zoo so I thought it would be a fun night out and exploring. I was right! 
The entire zoo was open to have you explore; at each big trail they had beverages and food for you to purchase while enjoying exotic animals but this event was 18+ with not kids. 

I found out Marcus could watch monkeys all day and he was completely fascinated by them! The snow monkeys were really fun to watch, but the monkeys on the tropic trail were so interesting to look at. Marcus also really enjoys the bears; they look sooo fluffy I have always been curious how hugging on would feel, but self preservation has won out on that urge. My favorite animal, the red panda, was asleep so not as exciting as a hog with elvish ears that horror movies are inspired from, but I still freaked out when I saw it!

I didn't get too many pictures because I am always torn with the fact that I want photos but I also want to be present in that moment. So for this Sanchez Adventure, I choose to be present.

Overall, it was a fun and new experience for both of us and I am happy we decided to go! It would be an enjoyable date night for anyone who enjoys animals! 

Marcus and Molly and red Panda at the Minnesota Zoo

Celebrating 2 Year Anniversary |Northrop Theater Ingrid Michaelson | Personal

In celebration of our wedding anniversary Marcus and I spent our weekend across the river in Minneapolis. 
On our acualy anniversary day we spent a nice home cooked dinner at home. I tried to be all fancy with long candles but failed misserably when within the first 5 minutes both ended up cracked and broken on the floor, very much like the romantic feel i wanted for them. I improvised and we had short little candles at out dinnner table!  I also tried a Raspberry Mousse recipe I located on Pinterest. Everything was absolutley delicous. 

Friday night we went sit and listen to Ingrid Michaelson at the Northrop Theater. Before the show we had dinner at the Union rooftop. I had seen photos and it was finally our turn to part take of it! Even better we enjoyed out dinner as the sun was setting! Ingrid is one singer song writer that speaks to my soul on so many levels! Marcus and I's song is her cover of "Can't Help Falling In Love." It was one of my favorite moments of our entire weekend. 


Lastly we spent Saturday morning walking with Riverview Food Tours with Kevin as our guide! 
As we walked round to different restaurants by the river he told us all about the sinigicants to each spot to the Minneapolis area. We had a cookie from the Salty Tart at the farmers Market, a spring roll and chicken and rice dish from  Sawatdee, Cheese bread and Spagetti from Old Spagetti Factory, Cheese curds from Tuggs Tavern, and lastly gelato from Wilde Roast Cafe.
My favorite dish was the Spring roll which I had always wanted to try and Marcus really enjoyed the spagetti! It was something we had never done and were able to enjoy together! 
It was the best weather to be walking all around the area and totally worth it!