Tip for brides

Should I have a Second Shooter for my Wedding? | For the Bride

You every have one of those days where you cannot concentrate on anything to the point where you are just frustrated at yourself? That was me, yesterday and that is why you are getting this today! I think it is so important so I just had to share!

I wanted to start off with letting you know a second shooter is not a necessity on your wedding day; I shoot weddings by myself all the time and I capture everything. But there are benefits from having a second shooter that i want to bring to your attention! I know your wondering if a second shooter will be worth it. I just want to encourage you to go for it for a couple of reasons. 

Your wedding gallery will be more rounded out. At the start of the day lead shoots the bridal party getting ready. With a second shooter the lead photographer can focus primarily on the girls and the second shooter can focus on the boys!  This helps give both sides of the story the equal focus they deserve! That does not just apply to the morning but the whole day ! The second shooter will give you different vantage points and more candids of friends and family.

Second shooter are also awesome if you have a tight timeline. I have seen multiple times where grandma is missing for the family formals, so the second photographer can go track her down while the lead is able to continue photos while we are waiting, which keeps everything going smoothly! If the lead photographer needs to go shoot details the second shooter can stay with the wedding party while still documenting the day when the lead is else where. It is wonderful when timing calls to have one photographer in two places at once. ( As much as I would love that ability I am not yet equipped with that particular skill)